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Delphinium Flower Necklace

Succumb to the delicacy of this new poetic creation

The small pearls are woven into the chain and the flower contains a Lapis Lazuli pearl in its heart.

You can easily customize this necklace with the pearls and flowers of your choice.

Great achievement!

For this achievement you need:

1 Lapis Lazuli pearl 6mm
1 flower bowl
1 ball head nail
1 hammered pendant 30mm
from the fantasy chain
0.4mm brass wire
11/0 seed beads
a clasp
from the extension chain
2 rings 3mm and 1 ring 4mm

Tools to use:

pliers for jewelry creations

The assembly:

To begin, thread the pearl and the flower cup onto the nail and then thread the pendant. On the back of the pendant, form a simple loop. Be careful, this must be glued to the pendant to properly block the pearl/flower/pendant threading.

Now cut a chain to the length of your choice. Here we took a chain of about 45cm, so the pendant will fall on the sternum.

Cut a flexible brass wire and attach it to a link of the chain. Wrap the wire around 2 times then cut off the excess flush.

For a beautiful result, try making discreet curls!

Now, thread 5 seed beads...

To block the beads, pass the brass wire through the other ring of the chain link. Your beads will then be placed in a small curve around the ball of the chain.

Wrap the brass wire between the last bead and the chain link, make 2 turns then cut the excess wire flush.

If the cut wire sticks out slightly, you can flatten it with flat pliers.

Now continue this technique to dress your chain...

Here we placed 6 on the chain and being careful not to be totally symmetrical. This brings more life to the creation! We spaced the beads by one link and left the center of the chain free for hanging the pendant.

Then connect the pendant to the center of the chain using the loop created previously.

Finally, secure the clasp and the extension chain (3cm) with 3mm rings.

Tip: To nicely embellish the extension chain, you can place a 4mm ring with 3 seed beads at the end of the chain. It's subtle and perfectly finishes the creation!

Your jewel is finished!

Beautiful creation!