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Beach bracelet

Succumb to the simplicity of this beach gem.

Made of Tila and half tila beads strung on elastic thread, this casual bracelet features a pretty shell as the centerpiece.

For this achievement you need:

Miyuki Tila and Half tila beads
Metal washers
A shell connector
Miyuki elastic thread

Step 1:

To start, cut a piece of elastic wire about 40cm long then fold it in 2.

Pass the 2 ends of the wire through the ring of the shell connector then pass them back through the loop of the elastic wire. Pull on the wires to tighten the knot. This knot is called a lark's head assembly (macrame technique)

To strengthen the knot, make a classic knot with the 2 threads at the edge of the ring.

Then thread 5 metal washers onto the 2 grouped wires.

Separate the threads and then thread the Tila beads alternating with the Half Tila beads.

Here, have fun creating rhythm by alternating the colors and size of the beads.

While assembling, measure the bracelet to see the size without forgetting to take into account the last metal washers!

Then, thread 3 metal beads onto the 2 grouped wires then separate the wires.

On one, thread 2 metal washers then pass through the 2nd ring of the shell connector.

Finally, go back through the last 2 threaded washers to join the other thread.

You can now block your creation by making several tight knots. Then cut the excess thread flush.

And there you have it! Beautiful creation!

Tip: This threading technique allows you to obtain 2 threads for the Tila beads.  and hide the knot in the metal beads. Your creation will be more aesthetic and easier to make.