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Tourmaline Choker Necklace

Fall for this stone with many positive virtues  ! Calming, anti-stress, self-confidence, removal of the feeling of sadness...

Here worn as a necklace with its natural and warm hues  for a bohemian look.

For this achievement you need:

A thread of natural pearls
Of the  4mm gold metal beads
Silk thread

Crush beads
A clasp and an extension chain

The assembly:

To start,  You can either keep the order of the mixed beads as on the thread, or sort them by color to nuance your necklace. To do this, undo the thread of beads and make series of 9 beads organized by shades of similar hues.

Take the silk thread and thread a crimp bead and your clasp before passing it back through the crimp bead. Pull the thread to bring the clasp back to the end of the thread, keeping a piece of about 5cm.

Do  a double knot at the edge of the clasp, then to secure the closure, place the crimp bead on the knot before flattening it slightly.

Start stringing the beads...

Here we have alternated series of 9 beads interspersed with a metal bead. This allows  give rhythm to the whole.

Once you have the correct length of beads threaded for your neck, you can place the extension chain.

At the end of the threading, place the crimp bead, an extension chain (approximately 3cm) then pass it back through the crimp bead.

Before tightening the pearl, place the curved necklace in its final shape while maintaining flexibility. Make 2 knots at the edge of the chain then bring the pearl back onto the knot.

And there you have it! Beautiful creation!