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Sofia Choker Necklace

Fall for the finesse of these choker necklaces decorated with small natural pearls and golden pearls.

A bohemian jewel to elegantly store your favorite stones.

For this achievement you need:

Natural pearl threads
Of the  gold metal beads
Silk thread

Crush beads
A clasp and an extension chain

The assembly:

To start, separate your natural pearl strand in two to easily obtain the pearls corresponding to both sides of the necklace. This will make it easier for you to thread it.

Take the silk thread and thread a crimp bead and your clasp before passing it back through the crimp bead. Pull the thread to bring the clasp back to the end of the thread, keeping a piece of about 5cm.

Flatten the crimp bead then tie two knots on the edge of the pearl with the threads to secure the threading.

Start stringing the beads...

Here we have alternated series of 6 pearls and 9 natural pearls (to give rhythm to the whole) with a cube pearl between each series.

For the last series we replaced the cube bead with a small cross loop.

In the center of the necklace we placed a cube bead, a faceted bead, 15 4mm washers, a spinning top and again 15 washers, a faceted bead and a cube bead.

Then start again in symmetry to assemble the other part of the necklace.

At the end of the threading, place the crimp bead, an extension chain (approximately 3cm) then pass it back through the crimp bead.

Before tightening the bead, place the curved necklace in its final shape while maintaining flexibility. Make 2 knots at the edge of the crimp bead then cut the threads flush.

And there you have it! Beautiful creation!