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Sophie necklace

All in finesse...
Choose this necklace made up of a fine rosary chain and small medallions.
A very modern look, for all occasions!

For this achievement you need:

40cm Rosary chain
a connector
6  round pendants
9 rings 3mm
a clasp
from the extension chain

Tools to use:

pliers for creations  Jewelry

Step 1:

To start, cut 2 pieces of 20cm of rosary chain. Make sure that the 2 chains are perfectly identical.

Step 2:

Then open a 3mm ring and connect the connector to the chain.  Then realize  the assembly in symmetry with the 2nd chain.

Step 3:

Using 3mm rings, connect the mini round pendants to the chain.

Skip a pearl between each medallion and be careful to mount them symmetrically.

Step 4:

Finally, attach the clasp to one side of the chain and a piece of extension chain to the other.

And there you have it! Beautiful creation!