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Friendship bracelet

Bohemian atmosphere with  this new bracelet to make during a mother-daughter moment, between friends or just to treat yourself...

An ideal piece of jewelry for the arrival of sunny days and to customize with the pendants of your choice!

For this achievement you need:

Linhasita 1mm wires
1mm glitter wax cord
pearls and head studs
5mm rings
a clasp  toggle

Step 1:

To start,  Cut 6 cords to the length of your choice.

Here we took cords of about 1m20.

Tie a knot at one end then start braiding  by taking 2 cords together.

Once you have the desired length, tie a knot to secure the braid.

Step 2:

Mount the beads on the nails then form the loops.

Step 3:

Mount the pendants on 5mm rings.

Then thread the pendant rings onto the cord and position them in the desired locations.

Step 4:

You can either tie a knot directly on your wrist or place a clasp.

In this case, connect the clasp with 5mm rings.

And there you have it! Beautiful creation!