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Macrame bracelets

Bohemian atmosphere with our new Macramé bracelets...
Reveal your creativity by combining set stones, a textured connector and/or golden beads!
Elegant and casual jewelry to wear simply.

For this achievement you need:

Linhasita 1mm wires
a connector set with natural stone
a boho connector
metal washers
metal beads
a magnetic clasp

Step 1:

These bracelets are simple to make. To do this you will need to master the technique of the square knot in Macramé. Also called a sliding knot.

See the technique here: Macrame square knot

This knot is very simple, if you alternate the knots on the right then on the left, you will get a flat knot. If you make the knot in the same direction each time, you will have a spiral result.

This knot will be identical to make the sliding part of the bracelet, allowing you to adjust it to your size.

Then it's up to you to play by placing a connector in the center, for this you will make 2 macramés, one on each side. Or by incorporating metal beads directly on the wire when making the knots.

You can also attach the macramé to a magnetic clasp for another finish.

Tip: For a clean result and even knots, work with a Macrame Mat and T-pins.

Beautiful creations!

The pearl bracelet:

The Bohemian bracelet:

The bracelet with natural stone: