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Africa necklace

We were looking forward to it  the arrival of sunny days to bring out our Heishi pearl jewelry!

A must-have, the Heishi necklace comes in an infinite variety of designs and is very easy to make...

For this achievement you need:

Heishi beads
polyester thread
or elastic thread
a clasp
from the extension chain
separable needles

Step 1:

Ultra simple assembly,  start by  select your colors or opt for our mixed color strands.

If you are using elastic thread, nothing could be simpler: thread the beads and then make a double knot.

For assembly with clasp, cut a polyester thread of approximately 60cm.

Thread it through the separable needle and then pass it through the ring of the clasp. Make a double knot at the edge of the clasp.

Thread the beads... Here we made a 40cm necklace.

Tip: To avoid  thread one bead at a time, leave them on the wool thread and pinch about 2cm of beads with your fingers. Carefully remove them from the thread, keeping them aligned, then thread them onto the needle. This allows you to go faster in the assembly.

Once the beads are threaded, place the extension chain then make a double knot.

Tip: after making your knots at the edge of the clasp, insert the thread into the beads for about 2cm then cut the excess between two beads.

Beautiful creation...