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Nolwenn earrings

These loops take us to a fine sandy beach...

We love the mix of textures, the mother-of-pearlwarmed by the golden  and the  harmonious fall all in roundness...

A jewel right on trend at the moment!

For this achievement you need:

a pair of  Earrings  shellfish
2 pendants  circles
2 baroque mother-of-pearl pearls
4mm rings
ball head nails
2 round pendants

Tools to use:

pliers for jewelry making

Some explanations:

To begin, mount the mother-of-pearl beads on ball-head nails. Form a discreet loop, if necessary cut the nail before forming the loop with the round-nose pliers.

Then open a 4mm ring and insert the mother-of-pearl pearl, the circle pendant and the shell earrings. Close the ring with 2 flat pliers. Be careful to place the entire pendant in the ring, leave the pendant hole free.

Open a new ring and insert it into the hole of the circle pendant, place the small hammered round pendant in it. Finally, close the ring properly.

Beautiful creations ;-)