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Dangling Loops

Fall for these earrings with their simple and refined assembly.
With its long chain decorated with pearls, it will be the ideal jewel to enhance your headwear.

For this achievement you need:

of the fine chain
crush beads
mother-of-pearl pearls
round sleeper earrings

Tools to use:

pliers for jewelry creations

Step 1:

To start, cut 2 chains of about 14cm. Pass the chain through the ring of the earring then fix the chains with a crimp bead.

Tip: First thread one chain and then gently pass the second chain through the crimp bead. This is the most delicate step but once the chains are through the bead will slide easily.

Position the crimp bead towards the loop  to create a small loop with the chain.

Then thread a mother-of-pearl bead and then a crimp bead. Flatten it under the pearl in the desired location. Position the second pearl offset to create an asymmetry.

Make the second loop in symmetry.

And there you have it! Beautiful Creation!