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Coral Bracelet

Fall for it  this mixing bracelet  colors, details and graphic shapes!

A solar and timeless jewel that plays with  contrasts for a very feminine result...

For this achievement you need:

Miyuki delica beads 11/0
3mm leather
a 6mm magnetic clasp
a needle
nylon thread
a pendant to stick on

Step 1:

To begin, make the Peyote Pair weave. You can follow this grid to get the right size for 2 strips of 3mm.

You can find the technique here: Peyote Pair Weaving

Step 2:

Then cut 2 strips of 3mm leather to the size of your wrist.

Place the weaving around the straps then close it into a tube.

The beads should fit together perfectly.

Block the weaving threads by going back into the beads then cut flush.

Step 3:

Finally, glue the pendant to the front of the weaving.

Place glue in the clasp then position the straps.

Wait until completely dry.

And there you have it! Beautiful creation!