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Eden bracelet

Here's a pretty way to wear your favorite stones...

Play with the shapes, sizes and colors of pearls to create a bracelet that suits you!

Do you like it? Follow the assembly steps to make your own!

For this achievement you need:

Natural stone beads (Various shapes)
Of the  roller connectors
From the chain
A clasp and rings 3mm, 4mm and 5mm
Eye studs
A small pendant

Assembly guide:

To begin, select your stones (beads and connectors). Don't hesitate to mix colors and shapes.

If you are a fan of stone energies, play with the different associations to reinforce and merge their benefits.

Then mount the beads on eye pins so that they become connectors. Try to make loops identical to the one on the pin for a nice symmetry and a discreet hook.

Then measure your wrist circumference.

To get the right chain size and a good rhythm between the beads, measure the size of your beads and connectors. (Example here we have: 8mm + 6mm + 6mm + 6mm + 8mm = 3.4cm)

Subtract the value from your wrist circumference (example wrist circumference 16cm - 3.4cm = 12.6cm)

Then divide the value by the number of chains needed, here we have 6. (12.6cm / 6 = 2.1cm)

Cut the chains to size. You can harmonize your measurements for simplicity. (example, cut 4 chains at 2cm, they will be placed in the center of the bracelet. And report the millimeters removed from the outer chains towards the clasp. 4 x 1mm = 2 chains of 2.3mm)

Now all you have to do is mount the beads on the  chain !

For the beads, open the loops and connect the chains directly. For the connectors, open 4mm rings and connect the chains.

At the ends, place the clasp with a 3mm ring and on the other side, a 5mm ring with a small medallion.

If you wish you can replace the 5mm ring with an extension chain.

And there you have it! Beautiful creation!