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Andalusian curls

We are bringing out an iconic model from Perles Corner, the fringed earrings, here decorated with a natural stone and pretty golden supports..

You can easily personalize these earrings by changing the color of the fringes, the stone and even the BO support.

For this achievement you need:

fringe braids
5mm rings
curved tips
BO supports

Tools to use:

pliers for jewelry creations

Step 1:

To begin, cut the fringe trim to the size of the curved end piece. Pull the edge of the trim to fold the seam towards the edge. This allows the trim to naturally curve.

Then place glue inside the tip, making sure not to overflow.

Position the braid and use a reamer to fit it as best as possible into the end piece.

Then flatten the curved tip with your fingers. Attention, do not use pliers as this may deform and scratch it.

You can trim the fringes neatly with scissors, being careful not to cut too much.

Finally, place a small dot of glue in the center of  the tip and place the cabochon.

Then open a 5mm ring and connect  the connector with the curved tip. On the top of the connector place the earring.

And there you have it! Beautiful Creation!