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Caged crystal necklace

Fall for this new creation where  the stone is captured in the center of a golden cage. A graphic setting that highlights it!

With this tutorial  find out how  simply mount your raw stones into jewelry.

For this achievement you need:

Ring connectors (size of your choice)
A rough stone
4mm rings
3x4mm oval rings

From the chain
A clasp according to the length of the necklace

The assembly:

To guide you, we have created a video tutorial. So you can follow step by step how to assemble your jewel.

To begin, place the rings on your stone to see if the size matches.

Then connect 4 rings on a central ring to form a cross with 4mm open rings.

Fold the rings upwards to form the base of the cage.

Connect the sides of the rings with the 4mm rings.

Insert the stone then place the last ring on top which will close the cage.

Finally, connect your chain with oval rings.

Watch the video below:

And there you have it! Beautiful creation!